Zippy Cash for Cars in Lehigh Valley, PA is as Easy as 1, 2, 3

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Zippy Cash for Cars will pick up your car and pay you on the spot.

Takes Less than 2 Minutes to find out How Much Your Car is Worth.

1,303 new customers

have sold their cars to Zippy Cash for Cars in Lehigh Valley, Pennsylvania. Give us a try today to see what everyone is raving about.

Did you know?

We have completed over 1,229 vehicle pick-ups in Lehigh Valley over the last year! We think you’re in great hands. Why not give it a try?

We Buy Junk Cars in Lehigh Valley

Do you have an old car that you don’t use anymore? Is your old vehicle not running well and want to sell it? Are you unable to spare some time to sell your old car? We’ve got a solution for you. Zippy cash for cars Lehigh Valley is in the town, who’re the best junk car buyers you can ask for. With services like free towing and an instant cash offer, Zippy cash for cars promises to pay cash when buying junk cars. Who else buys junk cars better than us? So if you’ve got to sell junk cars, contact us, we’ll help you in the best possible manner.

Recently Purchased in Lehigh Valley

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2015 Nissan Sentra S
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2016 Buick Encore
Lehigh Valley, PA 18002

Cash for Cars Lehigh Valley – 2015 FORD ESCAPE TITANIUM

2015 Ford Escape Titanium
Lehigh Valley, PA 18001

Cash for Cars Lehigh Valley – 2002 MITSUBISHI LANCER ES

2002 Mitsubishi Lancer Es
Lehigh Valley, PA 18003

Cash for Cars Lehigh Valley – 2017 FORD FOCUS SEL

2017 Ford Focus Sel
Lehigh Valley, PA 18001

Cash for Cars Lehigh Valley – 2017 TOYOTA COROLLA L

2017 Toyota Corolla L
Lehigh Valley, PA 18001

Year Make Model Trim Mileage Start & Drive? Any Damage or Issues? City State Purchase Price Purchase Date