We Make Cash for Cars in Olathe, KS Super Easy!

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Zippy Cash for Cars will pick up your car and pay you on the spot.

Takes Less than 2 Minutes to find out How Much Your Car is Worth.

157 new customers

have sold their cars to Zippy Cash for Cars in Olathe, Kansas. See what all the hype is about.

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We have completed over 143 vehicle pick-ups in Olathe over the last year! We come to you.

Sell Your Junk Car in Olathe

Do you live in Olathe and have an abandoned junk car in your garage? Do you wish to sell your old car to gain money as it is no longer drivable? If so, you’re headed in the right direction. Zippy Cash for Cars in Olathe is now here in the area to pay cash for junk cars. Dealing business with us will increase your chance of earning more money from selling your old car. Currently, we are the best junk car buyer that you can have that provides the best deal and junk car removal service you can trust.

We are your only choice if you can’t locate dependable junk car buyers in the surrounding area. Since we have streamlined our service, it is now simpler to sell cars than to go to any salvage yard. We also seek to buy junk cars of all sorts, including old cars, damaged cars, wrecked cars, used cars, trucks, vans, and many more. Zippy Cash for Cars in Olathe also offers free towing to every old junk car sold to us. We will use every effort to hasten the process, and we may succeed in doing so in a matter of days only. Get your free pickup now by contacting us today.

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Year Make Model Trim Mileage Start & Drive? Any Damage or Issues? City State Purchase Price Purchase Date
2010 Nissan Altima Bas Base 188,000 Starts and drives Front End Damage Olathe KS $382 10/11/2024
2013 Nissan Altima 2.5 Sl 225,000 Starts but does not drive Mechanical Problems Olathe KS $336 10/16/2024
2012 Gmc Terrain Sl Sle 200,000 Does not start Mechanical Problems Olathe KS $558 10/17/2024
2007 Toyota Rav4 Limited 157,000 Starts but does not drive Front End Damage Olathe KS $1,140 10/19/2024
2003 Chevrolet Avalanche K1500 100,000 Starts and drives Side Damage Olathe KS $843 10/24/2024
2017 Volkswagen Jetta S S 100,000 Starts but does not drive Front End Damage Olathe KS $1,732 11/13/2024
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