We Make Cash for Cars in Lakewood, CO Super Easy!

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Zippy Cash for Cars will pick up your car and pay you on the spot.

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have sold their cars to Zippy Cash for Cars in Lakewood, Colorado. See what all the hype is about.

Did you know?

We have completed over 147 vehicle pick-ups in Lakewood over the last year! We come to you.

Sell Your Junk Car in Lakewood

If you’re troubled with your old junk cars, we’re here to help you out. We buy junk cars at the most reasonable rates and pay cash for them on the spot. We’re one of the coolest junk car buyers in Lakewood, CO, who’ve made selling junk cars super easy. How? Now you can sell your old car and enjoy free towing from us. You can make the most cash for junk cars from us, as we’ll pay a top dollar for your junk. Sell your junk car today in less than 24 hours or on the same day, as we can remove your old car from your premises asap.

Sell junk cars at the comfort of your home as we’re the only junk car buyer here, who offers doorstep junk car removal facility. So sell your junk car for cash in the most hassle-free and convenient manner to us. We’re Zippy Cash for Lakewood Junk Cars.

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Cash for Cars Lakewood – 2013 MERCEDES-BENZ C 250

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Year Make Model Trim Mileage Start & Drive? Any Damage or Issues? City State Purchase Price Purchase Date
2017 Chevrolet Malibu Ls Ls 123,000 Starts but does not drive Front End Damage Lakewood CO $1,474 10/3/2024
2001 Toyota Tacoma Other 232,135 Does not start Hail Damage Lakewood CO $1,680 11/16/2024