Zippy Cash for Cars in San Marcos, CA is as Easy as 1, 2, 3

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Zippy Cash for Cars will pick up your car and pay you on the spot.

Takes Less than 2 Minutes to find out How Much Your Car is Worth.

137 new customers

have sold their cars to Zippy Cash for Cars in San Marcos, California. Give us a try today to see what everyone is raving about.

Did you know?

We have completed over 124 vehicle pick-ups in San Marcos over the last year! We think you’re in great hands. Why not give it a try?

We Buy Junk Cars in San Marcos

Would you be interested in selling your used vehicle and purchasing a new one? If you think that old vehicles don’t make much money, perhaps you have the classic car selling transaction in your mind. But time has changed, and Zippy cash for cars San Marcos is now in the house; who will pay cash immediately and offer a top dollar deal for your old vehicle. So, if you want to make some good cash out of a used car, call Zippy cash for cars San Marcos.

Local junk car buyers often follow a complex process that involves haggling a low price deal, towing your car to the junkyard, and then waiting for weeks to get your payment released. And imagine how much time and effort you will be putting into the process. But Zippy cash for cars eliminates all that hassle. Now sell your car at a top dollar without leaving your comfort zone. We can buy your old vehicle in less than 24 hours. So, if that sounds interesting to you, keep reading to learn in-depth details of our service.

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Year Make Model Trim Mileage Start & Drive? Any Damage or Issues? City State Purchase Price Purchase Date
2011 Toyota Camry SE 255,000 No, it doesn't start Rear End Damage San Marcos CA $554 4/7/2024
2014 Chevrolet Captiva LTZ 121,000 Yes, it starts and drives Mechanical Problems SAN MARCOS CA $508 4/11/2024
2009 Dodge Journey SXT 113,876 Yes, it starts and drives Front End Damage San marcos CA $450 4/12/2024
2011 Ford Taurus SEL 194,000 Yes, it starts and drives Front End Damage Damage San Marcos CA $573 4/25/2024