Zippy Cash for Cars in Pomona, CA is as Easy as 1, 2, 3

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Zippy Cash for Cars will pick up your car and pay you on the spot.

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343 new customers

have sold their cars to Zippy Cash for Cars in Pomona, California. Give us a try today to see what everyone is raving about.

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We have completed over 330 vehicle pick-ups in Pomona over the last year! We think you’re in great hands. Why not give it a try?

We Buy Junk Cars in Pomona

Are you a scrap metal owner in Pomona? Is it really difficult for you to get rid of your used car? Are all the local junk car buyers in your area offering a very low amount of money for your old car? Why haggle a deal in the local market and spend your precious time when you can get things done right away online in no time? We are talking about Zippy cash for cars Pomona, who operates nationwide and has expertise in dealing with junk sellers. If you’re interested in earning quick cash legally without much effort, Zippy cash for cars is without a doubt the best option. They pay cash, offer free towing, and assure a guaranteed instant cash offer.

Selling junk cars in Pomona is now possible in less than 1 day or within 24 hours. Yes, if you’re in desperate need of getting rid of the scrap metal, Zippy cash for cars can turn your old car into cash in the next few hours. There’s a lot more than what we just highlighted. Keep reading to learn more about our services in detail.

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Year Make Model Trim Mileage Start & Drive? Any Damage or Issues? City State Purchase Price Purchase Date
2010 Honda Civic Lx Lx 200,000 Does not start Front End Damage Pomona CA $672 10/10/2024
2004 Toyota Corolla Ce Ce 215,620 Starts and drives Front End Damage Pomona CA $738 10/17/2024
2004 Ford Taurus Ses Ses 77,000 Starts and drives Side Damage Pomona CA $516 10/24/2024
2016 Hyundai Santa Fe S Sport 180,000 Starts but does not drive Mechanical Problems Pomona CA $1,320 10/26/2024
2006 Toyota Corolla Ma Base 260,000 Does not start Front End Damage Pomona CA $739 11/21/2024
2008 Bmw Z4 3.0 3 107,355 Does not start Multiple Sides Damage Pomona CA $841 11/21/2024
2016 Kia Optima Lx None 103,000 Does not start Multiple Sides Damage Pomona CA $1,008 11/25/2024
2016 Dodge Grand Cara Other 400,000 Starts and drives Minor Scratches or Dents Pomona CA $1,534 11/27/2024
2010 Toyota Prius Other 134,000 Does not start Mechanical Problems Pomona CA $1,540 11/28/2024